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New Jersey Board of Bar Examiners

New Jersey Board of Bar Examiners

Appointed by the Supreme Court of New Jersey

Information & Applications » Bar Exam for NJ Disbarred Attorneys » Bar Exam for NJ Disbarred Attorneys - Instructions

Browse Forms is for VIEWING the application questions. Sub-sections of the application can be expanded/viewed by selecting Yes / No answer to questions within the application. You must create a user account and login to your user home page to complete an application form.

Exam Site Assignments

Although subject to change, the usual testing sites are: New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center; and Atlantic City Convention Center. Sites are automatically assigned based on the address entered on your User Home Page under Personal Information and the number of seats available at each site. Requests for specific sites cannot be honored.

The southern site typically fills up first and the overflow must be assigned to the northern site. All out-of-state and southern New Jersey applicants cannot be at the Atlantic City Convention Center due to the number of seats available. These applicants must be prepared to travel to the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center.

To change your address, go to your User Home Page and click on Edit Personal Info in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Please note, while your address information can be changed at any time, doing so after the site assignments are made will not result in a site change.

Changes to site assignments are only made in rare situations and upon submission of an affidavit indicating the reason for the request, requested site, and supporting documentation. Convenience and/or proximity to home or an airport are not considered extenuating circumstances. Requests should be made to the bar mailbox ( Do not call your case file manager to request a site change.

I have read and understand these instructions.